Marine & Stock Throughput

HighStreet sails with you, providing comprehensive coverage to navigate the unpredictable waters of the marine industry.

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Understanding your risks and challenges

In today's dynamic maritime and logistics landscape, global uncertainty, evolving environmental standards, regulatory complexities, and supply chain disruptions present both challenges and growth opportunities. With expert guidance, tailored insurance programs, and effective risk mitigation strategies, maritime and logistics companies can deftly navigate these changes to minimize losses and liabilities. We possess the scale, scope, and market presence to address virtually any risk challenge, offering comprehensive marine insurance solutions.

How we can help

Marine insurance extends far beyond standard cargo and hull coverage. From portside marine insurance to offshore exploration and production platforms, we tackle large and unique exposures with dedicated marine broking and claims professionals. We conduct thorough analyses of your specific needs to provide tailored risk solutions, emphasizing what you require rather than what we can offer. Our global network ensures access to maritime expertise in diverse industries and sectors, delivering customized insurance solutions for your assets, goods, and commodities in transit or storage. Trust our marine insurance experts to safeguard your interests at port and at sea.

Who we serve

We cater to ship owners, port and terminal managers, cargo handlers, and logistics firms, providing creative and committed risk analysis and brokerage efforts. Our nationwide team understands your unique needs, offering customized risk solutions that empower you to manage risk effectively and economically. Leveraging a global team, we ensure that expertise is readily available, and our unwavering focus is always on our clients' best interests.

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